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Touch Sensor Technology on Fast Track to China

22 October 2014

In partnership with the newly formed Fast Track China organisation, Zytronic is planning to extend its presence in Mainland China, through the new Sino “Made in Europe” (Sino MIE) Exhibition and Trading Centre in Zhengzhou, which opens today in central China.

Supported by local business leaders,  the Henan Provincial Government and the Zhengzhou Municipal Government; Fast Track China UK Ltd has collaborated to provide a unique, practical and cost effective export service for UK manufacturing, in this dynamic and fast growing region of China.

The Sino MIE Exhibition Centre provides a yearlong display of ‘Made in UK’ products, in which Fast Track China will promote and sell our world leading touch sensing products across central China. The partnership includes marketing support, a dedicated bonded warehouse, and the ability for Chinese customers to purchase goods and services in yuan (and European companies to receive payment in their preferred currency).

Zytronic’s Sales & Marketing Director, Ian Crosby, attended the event and demonstrated the company’s unique range of projected capacitive touchscreens, designed for self service and public use applications. Zytronic already supplies a number of major manufacturers in China, but is seeking to engage with small/medium sized companies – particularly as the Chinese manufacturing economy increasingly moves from an export focus to domestically targeted products, and consumerappreciation of Zytronic’s proven reliability and outstanding touch performance grows.

Touchscreen Technology Manufacturers attend Fast Track China | Zytronic

Fast Track China plans to open other exhibition centres in Western and Southern China over the next 12-24 months, providing a platform for Zytronic to broaden its access to this vast market.

For further information on our year-long exhibition, email us or telephone +44(0) 191 414 5511